"I had the energy to win”: the top three react to Round 11 in Shanghai

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"I had the energy to win”: the top three react to Round 11 in Shanghai

Hear from our top three podium finishers from Round 11 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship.


Jaguar TCS Racing’s Mitch Evans was able to win his second race of Season 10 – his 12th career victory in Formula E – to become the championship’s first winner in Shanghai. The race was filled with overtakes and drama, and means the team have won three of the last four races. 

Evans battled with Pascal Wehrlein (TAG Heuer Porsche) for a large majority of the race, as energy became a huge factor and percentages were judged to perfection. Nick Cassidy, teammate to Evans, was clearly irked on the radio as he made his way up the pack from 10th and had more energy, but was forced to settle for third – another podium for the championship leader.

“I am super happy,” race winner Evans said post-race. “Look, it wasn’t an easy race to manage. Sitting at the front can be good and it can be bad but I think we managed it well. I thought I got into the lead at the right time, but actually Pascal kind of caught me napping a bit at Turn 8 and put his nose up to have another go at me. I'm surprised he didn't get anything for going off track and passing me, so we have to look at that afterwards. 


“Anyway, a great result for the team and I got it done on the last lap. I had the energy advantage so I just wanted to bide my time and let the race come to me and it did. Super stoked to get this one-three for Jag and help our championship. It was a good one!”

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The Kiwi had led a large majority of the race early on, but the Porsche of Wehrlein managed to get ahead and go defensive. Evans looked like he was ready to get his foot down and lead the pack away in the final laps, but Wehrlein wasn’t having any of it and fought Evans for position on track, even straying off into the dirt. He was able to nudge himself into first place, but was down on energy compared to both Jaguars nipping at his heels.

As Cassidy pleaded with the team for instructions on what game to play, Wehrlein continued to fight Evans for that all important first place position. However, on the final lap, Evans went for a brilliant move around the outside of Turn 1 to take the lead and managed to hold off the competition to take his second win of Season 10. 

Replays at the end of the race s10 r11

“It was a tough race,” Wehrlein echoed. “In the end we went to the lead too early and for too long. I think that's where Evans and also the others could build a bit of an energy advantage. I think in the past we have been a bit too conservative, today maybe a bit too aggressive when we should take the lead. 

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“Just in the last lap because of defending, my target dropped,” he added. “I had to coast quite early, that is how Mitch overtook me into Turn 1. Tough fight in the last lap with the Jaguars because Mitch clearly tried to slow me down so that Nick could pass me, but a few contacts and that is how it is.”

For Cassidy, he kept it short and simple in his post-race interview. 

“Nice race today to get a one-three. I had the energy to win, for sure. Wasn’t my decision, it’s okay.”

Despite not standing on the top step of the podium, Cassidy still stands proud at the top of the World Championship standings. 

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Next up is race day two – Sunday’s action starts with Free Practice 3 at 08:00, followed by Round 12 qualifying and the race at 10:20 and 15:00 local time respectively.

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